Friday, November 24, 2006


I can't believe my eyes. I've just finished writing my stupid 2000-word assignment on "Strategic Management" that is due at 4.30pm today. I'm so proud of myself, been working my ass off continuously since Tuesday. 3 hours of sleep with nightmares of my stupid teacher screaming at me for not attending his boring tutorials, countless mugs of my tea with milk <3, KrispyKremes, Walkers, 816,927 hours of talking to Reem shai5at il7areem to make sure i don't fall asleep...

The thing is, I don't understand why I've been clueless for the past month. I seriously did not have any idea whatsoever on how to answer that assignment, and last night, the assignment question was kind of clearer to me and the ideas started flowing just because the deadline was in less than 24 hours, so i kept writing and writing till i realised it was 7am and I was done. I reached the word limit. I explained all my points. Perfect! Although I'm exhausted, I still want to help Fred with his HRM assignment. Bloody uni... Almost everyone i know is stressed out and suffering from a messed up biological clock and a sleeping-disorder.

Thought I'd have to congratulate Noor, my little sister (who happens to be taller than me), and record this in her educational history. Nini, I'm so proud of you.. Your report card is fantastic this time. Straight A's in Maths and Chemistry has been mama's dream for the past (few months/year?). HAHA! Keep it up, you lazy smart kid lol! Basich mn the OC ow One-Tree-Hill thing!

Another thing, I don't understand why many people are disappointing me these days.. Not that my expectations are high, I'm realistic. It bothers me so much that I still find it hard to tell people that I'm disappointed or angry at them. I can only tell few ppl, with others i just go quiet. The fact that I don't speak up and tell them in the face doesn't give them the right to disappoint me again. Whatever now...I'm too exhausted to even think about this. I need to rest and sleep for at least 12 hours. I really miss my bedroom in Bahrain 7adha malat rgaad =D

I'm off. Have a good day!


..G.. said...

omg I can't believe that you're exactly like me... I find it devastatingly hard to tell anyone that I'm upset or angry no matter what.. I constantly just keep it to myself.. That's unless someone pushes me to the edge and I explode recklessly.. Ugh it’s a mind spinner.

Anyways lets look at the bright side of things.. I told you that you can do it love ;) I'm so proud of you (and ur sis, alla eewafigha doom), keep up the good work.. and I know what you mean when you see yourself working and working till you just see yourself lost in a nutshell :* truly a sense of achievement :)

Have a good night sleep dear :)

*mwah mwah*

SuperNitfah said...

awwwwww G.. i'm still awake helping a dear friend with his assignment, but akeed i'll have a good night sleep in a few hours ;** mwa7

Dakhtour said...

That's really a nice post and i enjoyed reading it

i hate it when we have something important and we must be ready for it but can't sleep the night b4 it like the dreams u got... Which is funny hehe

so u're sister beats everytime in the grades and she's also taller than u... I guess u should find another way to beat her.. Let's say u're a good bloggers at least :)

Heep the good work up :)

Baroque said...

more like strategic shit.. yeah that course is hell :S

SuperNitfah said...

ZiZoTime - She still didn't beat me ;) My grades were better than hers when I was in Grade 9 lol!

Baroque - Stategic Mgt sucks big time. 5alani akrah 7ayati hahaha, but yeah the nightmare is over now, i submitted the assignment on time.

wastedchix said...

Expect nothing ...

have i told u that i adore u nickname??

cuz i do!


SuperNitfah said...

Thnx ThunderCat ;)