Thursday, December 07, 2006

iPod Issues?

2 days ago I got this iPod Nano (after a year of being iPod-less) and was so excited. Came home, downloaded i-Fu**ing'-Tunes 7.0.16 or something. And right when I installed it, it kept sending a prompt message indicating that theres a problem with permissions in the registry. I spent good 4 hours trying to just install iTunes :s. Turns out this version is buggy and so many people are experiencing problems/bugs with it. It is common to get a message just like the screen shot below:

Anyway but then I found out this "too technical too risky" solution that sorts the problem out. Whoever finds a difficulty with iTunes, let me know and i'll sort it out hopefully :) :)
Now good nite! Can't open my eyes...


Seroo said...

Just to let you know, I always have problems with either iPod(s) or iTunes, so take advantage of the "genius bar" no Regent Street, they're there to sort you out!

Nano lookin' slick xx

SuperNitfah said...

Ohhhh yeah! Now i remember! once lulu went to fix her shuffle hnak. Thnx 4 reminding me! I'll save the hassle next time and pop into that bar =) <3 my Nano xxx

..G.. said...

Dad lost mine in the airport last summer lol.. yitraba fee 3izich il ipod honey :)

SuperNitfah said...

lol @ ur dad.. i gave my previous ipod to my lil sis, and in a week time 3a6ach 3mrah :p thnx swee2ie x!

Dakhtour said...

I guess ur ipod is really

Cheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap :P

Anonymous said...

duuuuuuuude.. everyone must switch to mac.. the problems u had are not the ipod of itunes fault, they're windows fault. sorry dude, but pc's have way too many problems

SuperNitfah said...

zizotime - Whatever.
Faceless - Hell yeah, mac is way better than microsoft. You're right!