Monday, November 13, 2006

Plans of the week

Plans for this week:

- Re-adjust my f**ked up biological clock.
- Study for the Information Management test on Thursday.
- Try not to miss any classes (sadly, in my dreams).
- Help Fred & Looney(?) with the flat hunting thing. I love this process.
- Print some photographs of my family. I miss them badly
- Stop drinking coke and replace it with water. I think i'm the only person on earth who hates water. This is BAD.
- Accept the fact that i'm allergic to 9an6ara :( I love it.
- Hate BT for the rest of my life :) - not counted as a plan though...

I'm too lazy to use my brain now. It's 5am.
Might update later on.
-Yussie v12


iliveinq8 said...

well what can i say :) good luck...

as this is my first visit, I would to inform you that today Kuwait Vs. Bahrain :)

go go kuwait.

SuperNitfah said...

Go Go Bahrain lol.. Thnx 4 passing by and welcome to my blog =)

SuperNitfah said...

we won lol!